Welcome to my Jewelry~Crafting Journal

Welcome to my Bizee Bee Blog! I'd love to share my news, notes, and ideas with you! To visit my Etsy Shop: www.bizeebeecreations.etsy.com

Saturday, June 6, 2009

First sale on Etsy!

The moment it happened I was working on listing a new Anklet Set and noticed that something was missing from the front page of my etsy shop! Then I realized that I'd made my first sale... Wow! After almost 3 months I thought it would never happen but I never gave up! Thank you fellow etsian, butteredparsnips! That lonely old "0"sales is now a "2"! I am now a professional. I have made a sale! Just wanted to share the good news... :~)

********Check out some of my other anklet sets!***********


  1. Isnt that a terrific feeling!!!! Congrats on the sale and here's to many, many more in the days, months and years to come!!! :)

  2. Thanks, Nikki! I'm so lucky to meet great people like you on etsy! That's what keeps me coming back to my shop! A wonderful community of hand-crafters that support each other and provide lots of inspiration!
